Today on Saturday, 03-June-2017, at 7.07 am morning I received an SMS which was quite shocking.
Here is the screen shot:

Here is the text (spelling mistakes corrected):
Good morning Sir, I am from Telangana. I lost so much amount know, I am in Suicide condition sir please help me, I am coming to Kolkata. Please give me your address.
Please train me as yours brother and I will message through what’s up is showing yours, can I talk for 10 minutes on phone call when I call after yours time please tell me and help me sir.
Imagine seeing this first message as soon as you get up on your phone.
There are a lot of things which are clear:
1. Emotional blackmail: Well I keep getting such messages and calls. But such emotional messages are mostly from South India (please do not take it personally if you are from south India, I am just telling a fact). 60% of my customers are from South India. Yesterday I got a call from someone speaking in very good English. He said. “Sir I am a farmer selling vegetables. It is very hard to survive, please help me. I will pay Rs.1000/- please send me your strategies.”
Speaking English like well educated person, but giving an excuse to save 4000. Obviously I said, “No rules is same for all, when you sell vegetables to a poor man, do you give him 80% discount?” He kept down the phone.
But this morning SMS was shocking. Not even once he said he will pay the course fee, but he is willing to come to Kolkata from Telangana and learn personally from me.
Lets calculate the approximate cost to some to Kolkata from Telangana and learn the strategies personally from me without paying the course fees:
1. Travel cost by Airplane: Rs.7000/- or more approx (2000 more than the cost of my course)
2. Stay at a hotel for 2 days: Rs.4000/-
3. Food for 2 days: Rs.2000/-
4. If he decides sightseeing in Kolkata: Rs.3000/-
5. If he decides sightseeing near Kolkata like Darjeeling and Gangtok: Rs.12000/-
6. Course Fees he is not willing to pay: Rs.0/-
Total cost: 7000+4000+2000+3000+12000+0 = Rs.28,000/-
This guy has lost lot of money in stock trading so much so that you know what. He needs my personal coaching to learn my course strategies. For that he is willing to spend Rs.28,000/-, but is not willing to pay the fees of the course. Strange.
After taking the screen shot, I deleted the message. I did not reply, nor called him.
2. What is the truth behind the SMS? May be he is a crorepati who knows?
3. Giving a shot to emotionally blackmail to get the course for free.
A few months back one person called me. He was crying and said he is retired, aged 65, and lost 80% of his retirement money trading stock markets and he needs my help. Read – he wanted the course for free.
For 6-7 months, end 2013 to mid 2014, I gave a lot of advise for free, but no one bothered. Then I realized I am wasting my time, no one cares for free knowledge. Here is some proof. Only 13.1% read my absolutely free emails. This data is since 03-Aug-2013, when I started helping people for free. Paid course started in May 2014 only after I realized free is not valued. See this image:

Well I have more than 10,000+ mobile numbers in my database and I can easily keep one marketing guy to call people to do my course. I NEVER do it and will NEVER do it. Did you ever got a call from me after filing the form in my site? No, you will never get a call from me ever.
The email is taken to send you free emails that is all that too if you are interested and filled the form, and the phone number is taken to help you save money on brokerage, there is no other reason.
Both are to help you. But everything is your choice.
– You can unsubscribe from my emails anytime,
– You can reject the offer to save money on brokerage, though you will be doing a mistake. Saving money is making money, and,
– And you can enroll for my paid course or not enroll – it’s your choice.
In fact all of the above is your choice.
Frankly at least 70% of my customers have done my course after 1 or more year of being my free subscriber and am sure after losing money trading, then thinking ok let me try to recover the lost money by doing this course. Most of them do my course as a “Last Chance” to recover lost money from stock markets.

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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You should have reported that to the authorities.
May be he has missed to inform that he is willing to pay, may be he would be coming from roadways bus or other cheaper means of traveling. May be he would be staying to some dharmshaala free of cost.
May be he will really do what he is saying.
The way you have calculated cost, its on higher side, but the words that guy is using can be alarming too.
Yes I agree Paritosh. In fact he called me from a different number after this was posted and said the booking by train has already been done. I think a lie. Again he never mentioned the fees, in fact he said you give FREE training, so I am coming. When I told him the strategies he is looking for is in the paid course, he said he is willing to pay my fees but only if I can teach him how to make Rs.7 Lakhs from 30k in Call Put option trading. I told him this is simply not possible, then he said but someone told him. I am sure that “someone” is a tip provider. I am sure when I told him the truth that only 3% a month is possible, he kept the phone down and must have paid to that tip provider.
Sad but what can I do?
As far as reporting to authorities is concerned, why should I get into all that hassles?
My job is to educate, and I am doing my job. I do not have control over what others are doing or thinking.
I tell the truth, it is up to my site visitors to believe or not. I cannot force them to believe.
Yes … now I too agree with you…. at-least in this situation when someone is trying to emotionally blackmail.
Hi Dilip,
If you cannot trust on people, than how can you expect that people should trust on you.
I know how market works and how people fail because of the agents in the market.
If you are professional doesn’t mean that you can read people life by just reading there email.
Every one really appreciate your thoughts towards market and we read your emails.
But when we see this kind of emails from you, its really rude.
My apologies Manoj if you think this is a bit rude post, but please also look at my situation. Reading such SMS as soon as you get your hands on your mobile early in the morning makes you a bit disappointed. Read the above comment from me. I agree your point that in this business it is very hard to believe anyone. Too many tips providers are fooling people so traders have lost trust on anyone giving tips or course.
But the post was just to tell people as a request to stop disturbing me. If they are not interested in my course its fine, its their choice.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed reading such messages or getting phone calls. But I know even after this it will not stop.
Again my apologies if the post hurt you in any way.
Sir You have taken my comment seriously… just that is enough for me.
Just connect with people.. money automatically will connect you.. that’s for sure.
Sorry if have hurt you.
Your serious follower
Hi Dilip,
Hope you are doing well.. I was going through this post & felt sad you had to deal with such kind of people too..
The world is full of money minded, greedy, cunning, selfish people so its pretty tough to take a call when people approach you with such issues/excuses..
Anyway, keep up the good job you are doing. I’m sure there are lots of people who are benefited with your service.
Thanks Michael