One of my customers who took my course exactly 12 months back made my day on the first day of the year 2016. Of course this apart from hundreds of emails and WhatsApp messages from my subscribers wishing me and my family a very Happy New Year. By the way, how many owners of businesses/websites in the world can boast of HUNDREDS of customers/subscribers wishing them on Happy New Year and also on festivals? You may have also received many messages in new year form various companies or businesses, but how many of them you replied back? Not trying to show off, but just sharing happiness, to double my happiness. 🙂
Some of my competitors in similar business may be far ahead of me in terms of “making money from giving option tips or course” (and I don’t care), but they are not even slightly close to the kind regards and love my subscribes have for me. Its easy to make money but its very hard to win hearts.
A Heartfelt Thanks To You All. Thank You So Much for the Love, Blessings and Regards for me and my family.
If I find time I will upload the screen-shots of the messages in my website so that it is etched in my memory for the rest of the year that a lot of traders in India are looking forward to help from me and I need to work. Thanks a lot, whenever I will feel down or need some motivation – I will look into those messages again.
Now coming to what the special message was on 1st of January 2016? Nothing except this person took my course in January 2015 and made profits continuously – so much so that he wants me to help him know “What To Do With Option Trading Profits†made from the course. This is awesome. This is the EXACT purpose of the course – to make small profits from the stock markets, compound it and make it into a BIG Profit. And when you find it hard to manage the profits, take some money out and invest it into other areas of stock markets and to let it grow on its own so that it at least beats inflation. And over a period of 10-20 years make it HUGE so much so that if you want you can retire rich.
But this email was unexpected as I thought it will take at least a few years before a customer would ask me this question. It is actually surprising that it came in his first year of trading options. Another surprise was that I thought someone from Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Delhi or Bangalore will ask this question, but this came from a trader living in outskirts of Kolkata. Amazing! 🙂
That is the reason why you should also read about other areas of stock markets like mutual funds, stock investing and any other investment opportunities that can make more than inflation with low risk.
Some money should make more or less the same as inflation (Bank Fixed Deposits), some money should make more than FDs (mutual funds), some money should make more than mutual funds (stocks), and some money should make more than stocks (stocks combined with derivatives with proper risk management/hedging.) This is how I manage my financial portfolio and risk. Please do not copy, your investment profile and needs may differ from mine though you must read to get some ideas on investing.
So here the screen shot of the best question and testimonial I ever received since I started this course. Remember it is NOT about one or two profits – it is about PROFITS made from the Course OVER ONE YEAR. And that’s HUGE. Please click on the image to enlarge and read properly. Read my reply as well. Or scroll down to read what my customer asked and my reply as well.
Here is the same email and my reply in text:
Dear Dilip da, (People in West Bengal add “Da” at the end of First Name just like most people in North India add “Ji” to show their regards)
Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year.
I am trading your strategies and getting a decent return. I am keeping the profit in my trading account as I have no idea to roll my profit money. It will be very helpful for me if you guide me how to invest my profits earned from option strategies.
May Reply Was:
1. Either take them out and keep them in liquid funds for a 8-9% yearly return, (best option if you are not willing to take any more risk with the profits made). Or,
2. Do a monthly SIP in a top 4 or 5 star Large or Mid Cap equity fund like Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity (Growth) Fund, (Growth Fund to Compound the Money, unlike a dividend fund which will give back profits made occasionally therefore killing the chance for the money and profits to compound). Or,
3. Invest in 10-12 high quality stocks that you think may become multi-baggers in a few years. Or,
4. Just keep the profits in your trading account and increase the number of lots traded, until you think you can handle. Once you get uncomfortable trading the lot size go back to either 1, 2 or 3.
5. Be happy with money compounding over the years.
Thank You Rupesh. I started providing conservative option course in May 2014 and I think you took it in January 2015 – one year back.
Exactly after one year you are asking this question. I am so thrilled and happy to read your email. You are not only making profits but also are looking to protect your profits to compound. Great thinking.
Thank you for being patient and being happy with small profits every month and not taking undue risks with my strategies. This will go into one of the best testimonials I ever received as this is exactly what I want from people who have taken my course. Make small profits, compound and then shift the big profits in other investment vehicles of stock markets to protect and make a huge amount over a few years. And then retire rich.
I wish you Good Luck Mr. Rupesh.
NOTE: 3% per month can be huge over the years, it is much better than trying to make 10% a month and keep losing. If you want to make the year 2016 profitable trading options learn conservative and peaceful trading. My course will help. Read about my conservative options trading course here.
Testimonials of the Year 2015.
You Can Pay Online Here in 1 Minute.
What are you doing with the profits made from Trading the Stock Markets, Options, Futures or Commodities?

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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