Thanks a lot to more than 200 of my customers who sent me “Happy Friendship Day” messages on WhatsApp and Email. Here are a few of them hope you understand its not possible to upload all 200+ messages here.
These things makes me very happy as you all trust me and like me as your option teacher. I do not think any other course provider in India is loved the way I get from my customers. How many business owners in this world get a “Happy Friendship Day” message from their customers? I do not think many. So Thank You All once again. Other stock option course providers may be making more money than me but frankly I do not care. I do not tell a lie to take your hard earned money. I tell the truth on what is possible after doing my course. Some people think 3% a month is just too less and keep their phone down. I am ok as I am only interested in people who want to acquire knowledge and trade on their own not greedy people who have no respect for knowledge and still think making 10% per month is easy from stock markets. Let me tell you not a single person on this Earth has been able to achieve this figure month after month for many months. And I am sure not a single person will ever achieve this even in future. If you think you can enter the investment history books please try but sorry to say this – its an impossible path. You will learn only after losing a lot of money. Well this is the story of almost all traders. Everyone enters the markets with great hope – but realize after years of trading and wasting money that its really not possible to make 10% a month every month. But some people still keep trading thinking one day will come when they will recover whatever they have lost in just one trade. Unfortunately that one trade never comes.
No it’s not an uncommon story. I get phone calls from retired people too who said they have lost all their retirement money in trading. Just imagine the situation – I mean after 50 also if you cannot control greed then when will you control – after destroying your full wealth? For God sake, learn to control greed first then trade. Greedy people never make money – forget the stock markets they do not make money in any business. Its only people who work hard, get education, have patience and are willing to take calculated risk make money. In stock trading calculated risk is hedging. Dangerous risk is trading naked. Now chose your path.
Believe me I also want my customers to succeed and you know very well that I help you as much as possible. And when you send me these messages or call me to say Thank You, and send testimonials of success I feel happy and proud. 🙂
There are a few of my clients who are doing even better than me and it does not makes me jealous or greedy at all. I mean there are thousands of students in this world who perform and do better than their teachers in life. Do their teachers feel proud or sad? Of course happy and proud. Same with me.
Is Ravi still doing good? Yes he is and we are still in touch. But he has told me not to upload his any more testimonials on the site. As I am an honest person I cannot. But am so happy that he is now doing even better. Keep doing great Ravi my best wishes are with you.
My Idea of Finance
My idea of finance is very simple – just set your financial goals in life. Earn slightly more than the requirements as per the goals in life. If you are on path and meeting your goals financially you need not worry about money at least. I do not live in a virtual world where most people in this world think more money means more happiness. Really? Then why even some of the most richest persons on this Earth are deeply depressed? I mean they should be the happiest people in the world isn’t it as they are very rich? But my friend except the luxuries of life their quality of life is almost same as a middle class not so rich man. The ratio of rich and happy to not-so-rich and happy does not differ at all. Conclusion is happiness is not directly proportional to the money you have. Neither its indirectly proportional. Happiness has nothing to do with money. Do you think poor people in this world are not happy at all because they do not have money? No its not correct some are very happy some are not, the ratio is similar to rich people.
But that does not mean that money is not important at all. It is very important thing in life. After health and relationships, money comes in. So you should have at least so much that you do not worry about it. That’s the reason you must trade with proper risk management so that it increases your net-worth over time and you are able to meet your financial goals. Your savings must defeat inflation and that’s the only money you make. Currently the inflation is around 7%. So even if you make 20% return a year from trading, your money is growing by 20-7 = 13% a year. Compounded this is a great income that you can create over the years.
Thanks to God I am happy and it does not matter how much money I have. I am happy and meeting my financial goes. Two most important things in life achieved what more do I want? Yes another most important thing in life is health. After my accident I have taken mine and my family’s health very seriously. We now rarely eat outside our home. We only eat home cooked food and buy organic food as its much healthier than normal processed food. For your information organic food does not have any chemicals in it so it’s much safer for our body. However it’s a bit costly but not something that you cannot afford. And yes thanks to Internet we can do research on good healthy food for free and start eating that. Don’t you think instead of spending lakhs in treatment of diseases in hospitals it’s better to spend just 10% of it on our daily food items and avoid that situation as much as possible? Over a period you will actually save money. Remember money saved is money made.
For 14 days I was in hospital and the bill was more than 2 lakhs. Thanks to my health insurance which saved me a lot of money. By the way if you do not have a Team Insurance AND a Health Insurance buy one today. Try to buy it online as its much cheaper than buying it through a broker. Research all companies very well before buying one.
Free Basic Option Course
Refer my last email sent to you on Saturday for free basic option course links. Looks like Indians love free items. 🙂 More than 400 emails received. As you know I do not have any employees I will have to do all the job – so please give me some time as it is impossible to send everyone in a single day.
Some people sent me SMS and some sent me WhatsApp messages. Please note that I asked you to send an email to me telling your name, mobile number and email, not any other thing. So those SMS and WhatsApp will not be answered. Please send me an email if you sent me SMS or WhatsApp I have already deleted them.
Thanks for reading.

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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Sir, I feel you can include in your course information about options Greeks. Professionals manage their options position using Greeks and they make profits more than often. How to use this correctly is a knack extremely useful.
Kaisar Imam