There is a huge trading volume in Bank Nifty & Nifty Weekly Options Strategy, so I developed a strategy based on Weekly Options. In this course, you will learn to trade bank nifty and nifty weekly options with hedging.
Disclaimer: Please do not think that you will become extremely rich within a few months after doing this course or any other course. Read this page to know how you can benefit from this course. Read the full disclaimer here.
Bank Nifty Weekly Hedging Options Course Content:
Strategy 1) Strategy 1 is an aggressive strategy where you will learn how to hedge futures with options. It has been improved to get better results fast. Due to its very aggressive nature, this strategy also works better in volatile stocks.
Strategy 2) Strategy 2 is the only options strategy that can be traded intraday or positional. It is an aggressive way to hedge options with options. The minimum required is 70k intraday and 1.2L positional. The success rate is 80%. Risk reward 3000 to 2000. But if done on expiry days the success rate is 90%.
Course Fee:
For the course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the payment date.
Then you can start trading on your own. There is no need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp to 9051143004.
How is the course conducted?
After payment, I will send you reading materials to your email for studying the strategies. You can ask me questions about the course content to clear my doubts. If required we will set up a Google Meet session to understand the strategy better. Once the doubts are cleared you can start trading the strategies. Support will be one year from the date of payment.
On weekly expiry days, this works like a charm as on that day options lose their premium extremely fast. And since they are hedged even if the intraday move is high, the loss if any will be minimized due to the hedge, so you can trade without stress and compound.
Some testimonials of this weekly option course you will see on this page, and some weekly income course testimonials can be seen here.
Just check out this profit and loss graph of one strategy in this course. This was when Nifty was at 10500 levels. Today the profit range will be – From 14,500 to 16,500 levels.

Here is complete process of my course:
1. Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email.
2. You read and ask me questions via Phone/WhatsApp/Email to clear doubts.
3. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions.
4. After about one month you can start trading.
5. Since doubts can come anytime the support will be there for one year.
Minimum required is for weekly option course is 50,000.

Bank Nifty Strategy Done in Voltas – Results may vary for users – Click on the image to enlarge if seeing on mobile.
PROFIT OF Rs.37,650/- IN A SINGLE TRADEWell he has also shared his earlier profits like 2k and 4k but this broke all records.
The above is Bank Nifty Aggressive Strategy which involves BN Futures.
Conservative Strategy can be traded intraday even if you are new to options. Here is a testimonial.
Wait there is more: See this 7 STRAIGHT PROFITS in Bank Nifty Conservative Strategy done in Nifty
Here is Profit & Loss Graph of the conservative strategy of my Bank Nifty Course if done on Nifty:

Note: Banknifty Strategy can be traded in commodities also. See this profit in Crude Oil:
And this in Currency Derivatives USD/INR Trades:
Course Fees for Bank Nifty Weekly Income Option Course with ONE YEAR support is 5000 which you can pay online. Here is the payment Link:
Course Fee:
For course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the date of payment.
Then you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp to 9051143004.
Frequently Asked Questions I Get on My Bank Nifty Weekly Strategy Course:
Q – 1) Margin required as per the current lot in Bank Nifty?
Ans – Aggressive strategy will need 30k where the future is involved. The conservative strategy will need up to one lakh.
Q – 2) Are the strategies limited to Bank Nifty Only?
Ans – No. You can trade in stocks as well.
Q – 3) How many strategies are there?
Ans – Two. One is aggressive (future and option hedging), and another is conservative (only option hedging).
Q – 4) Can both be done on stocks?
Ans – Yes. Aggressive works better in volatile stocks. The direction does not matter.
Q – 5) What is the difference between the Aggressive strategy and the conservative?
Ans – Aggressive has Futures, conservative has only options.
Q – 6) Intraday or Positional?
Ans – Both can be done Intraday or Positional.
Q – 7) Profits?
See it will vary from person to person. It can be between 5-7% a month. Some practice is required here. Paper trade both strategies for one month and stick to the one that works best for you. Paper trade both in Nifty, Bank Nifty and Stocks. You can share paper trades with me. You can also share real trades with me. I will tell you more if you subscribe to the course. See the result of the first paper trade of a new option trader who was fed up with fake courses and tip providers:
Q – 8) Any support?
Ans – Yes for any doubts you can contact me by call/WhatsApp/email. Support will be there for one year from the date of payment.
Q – 9) Who is eligible for the bank nifty course?
Ans – You should be trading options and futures for at least six months.
Q – 10) Is this directional or non directional?
Ans – One is directional and the other is non-directional. But even with the directional strategy, we use options to hedge our portfolio.
Q – 11) – Success rate?
Ans – 80%. Other times small loss like 3-4% on margin blocked. But over time profits will be more than losses.
Q – 12) – Course fee?
Ans –
Course Fees for Bank Nifty Weekly Income Option Course with ONE YEAR support is 5000 which you can pay online. Here is the payment Link:
Course Fee:
For course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the date of payment.
Then you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp to 9051143004.
In the Banknifty course, you will get two strategies. One Aggressive for future traders (with hedge), and one Conservative for options only (with hedge) intraday or positional trading. These strategies can be traded in stocks too.
Both strategies are properly hedged to ensure losses are less and limited, but profits can soar. Learning to hedge properly is worth the course fee. These strategies are good for traders looking to trade weekly in Bank Nifty or stocks to trade momentum without taking any directional bias. Both strategies can be traded in stocks too.
Some more testimonials (click to enlarge if seeing on mobile). Please note that profits will vary from trader to trader:
Once you pay you will get both strategies written by me. Support will be given till you understand the strategies very well. This is not a tip or advisory service, it is a well-researched and planned Bank Nifty Weekly strategy. Learn to trade yourself and never depend on tip providers ever. You pay them and lose money.
Course Fee:
For course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the date of payment.
Then you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp to 9051143004.
The conservative will make about 1 to 1.5% a week and it’s easy to trade. If you trade this Intraday your target should be 0.5% in a day or per trade. You can trade this multiple times during the day as on average a trade will take about 1 to 2 hours.
Now some more testimonials from a novice trader – all profits made within ONE WEEK. Please note that one strategy in Bank Nifty Course can be done in stocks too. The other one is purely for Bank Nifty.
See this 0.5% profit in a single trading day which can be up to 5% a month totaling both profits and losses (click to enlarge if seeing on mobile):

Bank Nifty Conservative Strategy Intraday Trade Taken Again With 0.5% Profit – Results may vary for users

Continuous Trading Profits in Intraday Gives Confidence To the Trader – He will increase the lot size next month – Results may vary for users

He Does it Again – Bank Nifty Intraday Trade Taken Again With 0.5% Profit – Results may vary for users
Note that the above is a VERY CONSERVATIVE estimate of profits. The above testimonial is from a new trader who just started trading options.
It’s a combination of selling and buying options hedged in such a way that the chances of making a profit are more than making a loss. Plus the loss will be limited by a hedge. The success rate will be 80%.
The Conservative Bank Nifty Strategy will teach you:
- What time to start the trade
- Which strikes to select to buy or sell
- What direction to trade
- When to exit the trade with profit
- When to take a stop loss
- What changes can be done and practice to make more money
And a lot of other things will be defined in the email and the pdf files that I will send you.
Conservative strategy in Bank Nifty is very easy. It needs a few days of practice to trade Intraday.
Course Fee:
For course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the date of payment.
Then you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp to 9051143004.
In this course you get two strategies:
Strategy 1: Bank Nifty Weekly Option and Future Combined Strategy – Can be traded in stocks as well:
This is for traders who want to trade aggressively bank nifty or stock futures with a direction (long or short), but DO NOT hedge their trades. So over time they make money, then lose, then make, like this they never make money. With this strategy, you will learn to protect the Future trade with Options and get results within a week. Options will make sure the losses from futures are protected, so much so that sometimes the strategy makes a profit even if your future direction is WRONG. Basically if right in direction you make money, if wrong in direction the options will protect your capital, and you see results like this:
Strategy 2: Bank Nifty Conservative Weekly Options Strategy – Can be traded in Nifty as well:
This strategy is for trades who do not want to trade direction, want profits fast and stick to weekly options only. This can be traded in Intraday also. With practice, this can be traded many times in Intraday. Basically it is based on Option Scalping Strategy with Protection. There is no need to wait for a week, you can exit the same day, the next day or in two days. This is a very easy-to-trade strategy.
Bank Nifty Weekly Course Testimonials:

Testimonial date – 04-Jan-2018 – Bank Nifty Strategy Also Works in Stocks – Results may vary for users
Course Fee:
For course fee kindly WhatsApp me.
Note: Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email. They are well explained in step by step manner with examples in PDF files. There is a total of 2 PDF files in the Bank Nifty course. Whenever free you read these files strategy by strategy and ask me questions via phone/WhatsApp to 9051143004/email to clear doubts. This will take about 2 days. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions. This will take about 10 days. After this, you can start trading. You can still ask me doubts in live real trading for one year from the date of payment.
Then you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own. Once you pay please inform me of your name, email and mobile number by email or WhatsApp at 9051143004.

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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